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Glossary of Terms

TERMS OF USE: The following terms serve to define certain terms used on the Site as they relate to the Service:



Available Same Day: When an item is posted as Same Day availability, this means you are able to request and rent same day. The owner has one hour to accept these orders or else the request will automatically expire. 


Category:  The listed descriptors of each item hung up for rent: Accessories, Bags, Dresses, Jackets, Jewelry, Other, Pants, Shirts, Shoes, Shorts, Skirts, and Sweaters.   


Closet Unavailable: Turn this toggle ON when you are away from your closet; this makes all of your posted items

invisible when others are searching. All items previously contracted and committed to other users for rental will still need to be fulfilled.


Color: This is the color of the item; each item can indicate up to 3 colors.


​Condition: When hanging a new piece, you are asked to indicate the condition of the item. You can select New with tags, Like new, Good, or Minor damage. Please be accurate with the selection you make so the renter knows exactly what they are getting when they rent this item.


Damage Expense: This amount will be the maximum a renter would be charged if an item comes back to the owner damaged or not at all (lost item). Each item available for rent has its own indicated damage expense as set by the owner. We recommend the price being approximately 40% - 60% of the original retail price on the item. If damage has been reported, Hangurs will use discretion on the total charge and make the final decision based upon information found in the damage report.

* Please note that during every contract, this damage expense amount will also be the security deposit hold amount on the renter's credit card. Once an item is returned to the owner in good standing, Hangurs will fully release this hold upon order completion. Setting this price over the recommended point may deter renters.


Damaged: When the condition of an item is received back from rental (or when initially delivered to the renter) is in a lesser value/altered state than indicated or from its original condition when lent it out. The appearance of damage and severity of damage is ultimately determined by Hangurs, gathered within the damage report that is filed.


Delete Account: Under your Settings, you are able to delete your Hangurs account. Please keep in mind, this is irreversible and all data, history, inventory, and content from your profile will be deleted. If you have an active rental contract (either you are renting or someone else is renting items from you) you will be unable to delete the account until the contract is complete and all parties have their original items back in their possession. An alternative to deleting your account, is turning on vacation mode - which is also under Settings called Closet Unavailable, and hides all of your items from other renters until you turn it back on. 


Delivery Notes: Under your Profile Details section, you are able list your address and have the option to indicate if our driver needs special instructions to reach your front door. All of this information is private and nobody except Hangurs and our courier provider can see this information.


Delivery Window: The window of time you select and agree upon that you will be home for delivery or pick up. Members can choose from a variety of windows, setting their primary and secondary choice. The renter requests each item with their selection, then it is up to the owner to accept (or reject) the submitted time windows. Once an item has been approved for rental, both the owner and the renter need to be home for the selected time windows.


Discover: On the bottom menu bar, you are able to search the map to find items that are available to rent. You can zoom in, zoom out, move the map, and click on the pin marker to explore each closet.


Door Fee: The fee associated with rescheduling a delivery or pick up due to missing your previously scheduled window. To avoid these fees, please be home during the agreed upon windows. See fee schedule for details.


Roadie: Our carefully chosen courier and partner that will be hand delivering your rental items straight to your door or picking up your items to safely and securely deliver to your renter. Please visit their website for more information about their company and terms of use.


Dry Clean Fee: This is a dry clean fee only to cover the owner's cost of dry cleaning for certain items that are hung. The closet owner is responsible for physically dry cleaning the item, the renter pays the additional fee (if indicated by closet owner). If this fee exists, it will be indicated on the item detail page.


Dry Clean Only: When posting an item to hang, the owner can choose to post their item as "dry clean only". This means the renter should not wash and dry the item at the end of their rental cycle, but instead return the item AS IS.  The closet owner will dry clean it themselves. Please note, the owner will add a one-time fee for items hung with “dry clean only” indicator. 


Earnings: The closet owner’s proceeds. Only each closet owner can see their own earnings on their profile page. Please see fee schedule for breakdown.


​Favorites: Under My Closet, you are able to tab to the Favorites button and see items that you have liked. When searching items, you can click on the heart to "like" the item. It will be saved so you can find it easily later. Tap on the heart again to unclick and it will be removed from your Favorites.


Fixed Shipping: Hangurs currently pays the cost directly to the courier. We will provide either free shipping to all orders under a 5 mile radius, provide 50% of the cost for deliveries that range 5-10 miles, or credit renters $10 for order that exceed a 10 mile range for delivery.


Free Shipping: Free shipping for all order under 5 miles delivery!


​Filters: When searching for a specific item, you have the option to filter fields and find exactly what you are looking for. The filter is found on the top right of your Discover Page (the map) or under the Search Tab on the bottom menu. You can either filter by Gender, Category, Item Color, or Availability (same day). You can even sort your results by Price: low to high, Price: high to low, Available Now, or Recently Added. To clear filters, click on the button Clear Filters.


Hangurs Hub: Hangurs has several “hub” locations that will hold your item if you were not home for agreed upon delivery. After the courtesy wait period of 5 minutes, the courier will transport the item to the closest hub location. Please note, there are charges associated for each day Hangurs holds your items, so please reschedule as soon as possible to avoid these holding fees. See fee schedule for details.


Identity Verification: In order to abide with KYC regulations, we must verify your identity before you can collect funds from your rentals. This information is completely private, not even Hangurs can access this data. The verification process is implemented by Stripe. Please read their Stripe Connected Account Agreement, which includes the Stripe Terms of Service for more information.   


Inconvenience Fee: The amount charged to either renter or owner for administrative or delivery inconveniences. Please see fee schedule for potential occurrences.


Insurance Handling Shipping Fee: Each rental order will incur a flat $5 insurance fee to cover liability up to $500 during transportation with the courier. Please note, both ways of transportation will be covered with this one-time flat fee.


​Invite Friends: You are able to invite your friends to join the app! From the top left menu bar, simply select Invite Friends and decide how you would like to share the app download. You can text it, email it, whatsapp it, or any other social media app you have available on your phone.


Like Notifications: Under Settings, you are able to turn off (or on) the notification regarding item Likes. When a member likes an item you have hung in your closet, depending on this toggle (on/off), you will or will not be notified.


Lost item: If you lost an item you have rented, you will need to notify Hangurs immediately as to not incur additional charges above the damage expense charge. Please note there are several penalties associated when you hold a rental item beyond agreed upon contract date. If Hangurs is unaware the item is lost, you will be charged for each additional day of rental; the daily rental fee will be charges as if you were continuing to rent the item, plus a penalty charge, plus transportation costs to remedy a previously scheduled courier, etc. It is best to report this item missing as soon as possible to minimize these charges. For details please visit our fee schedule.


​My Closet: This tab can be found from the top left menu. This is your closet's home page. All of the items you have hung up on your closet will be listed here. You are able to click on each item listed, edit, or delete as you see fit. Under the My Closet tab you can also access your Favorites which is where any item you have liked from other closets can be found.


My Wallet: This tab can be found from the top left menu. Here, you can access Your Cash, Payments, Profits, and your Identity Verification. You are able to view and edit all of these fields. You are also able to request withdrawals from this tab once you have earned above $100 in profits. The profits will be sent directly to the account you have set under the

Payout Method once you request a withdrawal.


Notifications: This tab is found on the bottom bar of the app. If you have a notification, a red market will appear with your number of new notifications. Once inside your Notifications, there will be two buttons you can select at the top of this page; Rentals and Likes. All notifications related to either Rentals or Likes will be listed under their corresponding tab. Notifications will appear in bold until you have clicked to read each one. Also, you can swipe and delete to clean up the list at any time.


Overnight Hold Fee: The fee incurred if Hangurs needs to hold your item since you were not home for during the scheduled delivery window. Items will be sent to our Hangurs Hub. See fee schedule for details.


Payment Method: Under My Wallet, you can store a credit card as your default payment method. Please keep in mind, you must have a valid payment method and complete ID Verification through Stripe before you are able to post and publish any items in your closet or to rent any items from others.


Payout Method: Under My Wallet, you can store your bank information for direct deposit requests on your profits. Once your earnings have hit over $100 to are able to request a withdrawal. You must have a valid payment method and complete ID Verification through Stripe before you are able to post any items or rent any items.


Penalty Fee: If you keep an item for longer than the agreed upon contract, you are charged a flat $50 per day as a penalty fee, plus the normal rental price per day until the item is returned. There may be additional delivery and transportation fees charged based upon missing your original pick up and/or to reschedule a new pick up date/time. Please see fee schedule for the expanded breakdown of fees.


Per Rental Period: Every 4 days. If someone rents your item from Thursday - Sunday, that is 4 days and you would typically charge 10% of your retail item.


Preferred Wash Option: How the closet owner prefers you handle cleaning their item at the end of the rental cycle; either send back as is (do not wash), wash and dry, or dry clean fee only (this is just a fee, the closet charges so they can dry clean their item once it’s returned). If you are hanging an item in your closet, you have the same choices made available for the wash option of your item.


Pricing: When you see the Item Detail of something you would like to rent, there will be the retail price (original purchase price of the item), the Listed price (how much to rent per day), and the Damage Expense price (the security deposit hold to cover cost of damages- if any).  * As an owner, you are asked to indicate these three fields when posting an item to be made available for rent. We recommend 10% of retail for the rental period price (every 4 days) and 30-40% for the damage expense.


Profile Details: To access, tab the top left menu and select Profile Details. Here you can update your Closet Name (which is visible to others) or edit the private information as well: your name, your email, phone number and delivery address.


Push Notifications: Under Settings, you are able to turn off (or on) the Push Notifications. You must be logged in to Hangurs to receive these push alerts. These messages look like text messages, except they are sent through the app, not via SMS. We recommend keeping these (or SMS Notifications) turned ON so that if you have time sensitive requests (rental request, rental acceptance, etc.) you are able to act quickly and not miss out on profit opportunities.


Rental Price: The rental price shown is for every 4 days of rental. 


Requests: Under the Requests Tab, you will find a list of all of the requests you have sent to other closets to rent items as well as a list of all the requests you have received from others. We have tabbed these separately to help you keep track of these separate transactions.


Retail Price: The original purchase price of the item.


Same Day Items: Same Day Items are items that closet owners have hung up and have made available to renters on for same day requests. All Same Day Items are given a one-hour grace period for an owner to accept this rental request before it expires.


Search: When searching for a specific item, you can tab on the Search button at the bottom of your navigation bar. You are able to search via text search "black lace dress" and have the option to filter certain fields to find exactly what you are looking for. The filter is found on the top right of your Discover Page (the map) or under the Search Tab on the bottom menu. You can either filter by Gender, Category, Item Color, or Availability (same day). You can even sort your results by Price: low to high, Price: high to low, Available Now, or Recently Added. To clear filters, click on the button Clear Filters.


Send Back As Is: This is the preferred wash method as indicated by the owner. When you rent an item that is listed as "Send Back As Is" - do not wash and dry the item at the end of your rental period. Simply wear and enjoy the item for your time period and return to owner as is (yes, dirty). The closet owner prefers to wash it themselves.


Size: US size, or if International sizing please indicate the size on label.


SMS Text Notifications: Under Settings, you are able to turn off (or on) the SMS Text Notifications. You do not need to be logged in to Hangurs to receive these alerts. These messages are text messages from Hangurs. We recommend keeping these turned ON so that if you have time sensitive requests (rental request, rental acceptance, etc.) you are able to act quickly and not miss out on profit opportunities.


Stripe: Stripe is the technology company we have partnered with to implement the making and receiving of all payments. Stripe provides the technical, fraud prevention, and banking infrastructure required to operate the Hangurs online payment systems. That being said, they have specific requirement before they can "verify you" as a user, such as front and back photos of a government issued id, social security number, etc. Please see their terms and conditions for more details.


Transportation Fee: A charge that is incurred to either a closet or a renter that involves covering the transportation costs when someone is not home for the agreed upon time window. This fee can be incurred for several reasons: you are not home to receive an item or deliver an item, you were late to cancel a rental, if we need to reschedule for any reason such as holding the item for longer than the original rental agreement, or reschedule from not being home to receive or deliver item. This is a charge that is to remedy any delivery mishap. Please see fee schedule for expanded details on when this would occur.


Waiting Time: Our courier will provide a courtesy wait time of approximately 5 minutes during delivery. The driver has discretion on when thereafter to leave. The Hangurs member that missed this delivery or pick up is responsible to contact Hangurs immediately to reschedule. Charges may apply for rebooking the delivery. If you have rented an item and you were not home for delivery, there will be no refunds issued. You were prompted with several delivery reminders to prevent this from happening. Please see our Hangurs fee schedule for details. ​


Wash and Dry: This is the preferred wash method as indicated by the owner. When you rent an item that is listed as "Wash and Dry", at the end of your rental contract, please wash and dry the item (washing in cold water and tumble dry low).


Your Cash: Under My Wallet, you are able to see Your Cash available. Sometimes the amount is pending until the active rental has been completed. Once Your Cash is greater than $100, you are able to request a withdrawal for a direct deposit to your bank account chosen under Payouts Method.


Your Items: On the top left menu, you can select the My Closet tab where you can see all of the items you have listed in your closet that are available for rent. You are able to click on each item listed, edit, or delete as you see fit. Under the My Closet tab you can also access your Favorites which is where any item you have liked from other closets can be found.


If any item in your closet says "unpublished", that means we are missing some of your account information under My Wallet section. Please make sure to complete the Verification ID (as required by Stripe), the Payment (credit card) and Payout (direct deposit) information.



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